Happy International Self-Care Day!

Self-care starts with you!
At Melmira, we’re all about you, and how to best support you in a variety of ways. We consider ourselves part of your self-care team! Taking the time to have undergarments and swimsuits properly fit to your body by a professional and caring fitter, is a beautiful expression of self-love.
Sometimes life gets busy (we get it!), and the idea of taking time for yourself, to care for yourself can feel overwhelming/daunting. So when it seems like a lot, maybe start small.
What does self-care look like to you?
The term self-care can conjure up a wide variety of images ranges from massages, face rollers, meditating, eye masks, and yoga, to LED light therapy face masks. Where do you start? Caring for one’s self can quickly feel expensive and daunting. But it doesn’t have to. Potentially, the most effective self-care practice is within your reach right now.
The smallest act can have the greatest effect.
Within the small and silent space of one breath, you can immediately change your thinking. When experiencing a moment of tension or stress, bringing awareness to your breath can change your brain activity and your actions. Within a breath, your brain can switch from the amygdala to the prefrontal cortex, where a more thoughtful response to stimuli can be created. As Viktor Frankl said, “Between stimulus and response lies a space. In that space lie our freedom and power to choose a response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
So when life gets too crazy for grand gestures of self-love, or self-care, your breath is always there for you, ready to carry you even if just for a brief moment. Just give yourself one breath - one moment - to inhale and exhale and see where it takes you.
And when you’re ready to have a beautiful moment for yourself, we are here for you!